📅 22-11-20 - Hi, thanks for visiting! Beta has been pushed back to December 1st so do check back. Check out The Model Prompter Notion for more!
Imagine words as blocks
Explore lots of ideas at once by generating dynamic prompts that change with each run or adapt to events.
Chain together AI and web services
Use data from any source you have access to, like Google Sheets, Notion Databases, Wikipedia, Twitter, or any other API on the web. With the Model Prompter client (coming soon), you'll even be able to use cURL to scrape any URL whether it has an API or not!
Here we load a random topic title from Wikipedia and use it to prompt for 50 images from Lexica.
View and share as forms
Once blocks are assembled, you can view and share them as simplified forms. Right click or long tap on a block to show its menu, then select "Add to form".
For example, the following forms were generated from the blocks above:
No form fields
Right click on a block to add it to the form below